Today we left the Midwest; moves are always bittersweet. Yet, I’m so excited to explore the ecosystems of my soon to be new home!
Continue reading..Moving to Cape May!marine blue – very rare! Reakirt’s blue – Burnett Co. green comma tawny-edged skipper
Continue reading..WI Butterflies – Last Week JulyWe walked around in the sensory woods and up to the observation tower tonight!
Continue reading..L.H. BarkhausenWe got Paul’s canoe and went for a paddle on this lovely Brown Co. WI lake this evening!
Continue reading..Lilly LakeWe got to see this amazing comet tonight!
Continue reading..NEOWISEBold species found in Douglas Co., WI! striped hairstreak northern broken-dash broad-winged skipper black dash
Continue reading..WI Butterflies – 3rd Week JulyWe revisited the park this evening but with new eyes: I learned that the trees were more or less “original,” or probably a century or 2 old! I looked at the 1976 Wisconsin historic landcover map, and learned that Paul’s grandparents’ suburban yard was likely originally sugar maple, basswood, red oak, white oak and black […]
Continue reading..Enos Colburn parkThis is a great time to look for butterflies! To switch it up, this week’s post has Brown Co. species in bold. (I’ll be staying in Green Bay after I move out tomorrow until my new rental unit is ready!) Little yellow gray copper Acadian hairstreak juniper hairstreak American snout tawny emperor funereal duskywing wild […]
Continue reading..WI Butterflies – 2nd Week JulyThese peak weeks are interpreted from the histograms per species on Wisconsin Butterflies. hickory hairstreak Poweshiek skipperling Ottoe skipper two-spotted skipper Happy butterfly watching!
Continue reading..WI Butterflies – 1st Week JulyAs prior mentioned, I “deconstructed” the histograms on Mike’s site to list species by their peak occurrence dates. This is mostly to help me, as I’m learning butterflies, to know what’s occurring here when. For this week… northern blue tawny crescent southern cloudywing
Continue reading..Wisconsin Butterflies – End of June