I’m working on “the standard” FRAGSTATS questions within buffers of BBS routes. I need to compute spatial stats for each region (i.e. BBS buffer) using the National Land Cover Data (NLCD) 2011. Patch Grid has a convenient tool, Spatial Statistics (by Regions) to compute FRAGSTATS metrics by shape file-defined areas. Unfortunately, though, I get a cryptic “error […]

Continue reading..FRAGSTATS for BBS Routes


I found my first ever morels today (with help)! First, we found Morchella prava. Then, we found a young yellow(?) morel; I’m thinking esculentoides but not sure. So, to my knowledge, we may have only found yellow morels; I haven’t for sure found any black morels. Apparently, they fruit earlier, so I wonder if we missed them. Further on the […]

Continue reading..Morels!