A bag of birdseed spilled on my deck and birds found it! Unfortunately this warranted a complaint to my landlord about my attracting birds to my porch from the old lady below me. She worries about them soiling her deck, though I think the impact was probably negligible.
Continue reading..Neighbors Who Don’t Like BirdsThese days, the Bayesian hierarchical modeling framework is more-or-less standard for analyzing BBS data. I wrote a collection of posts about gathering BBS and remote sensing data, summarizing and importing into R, and thereby getting the data frame in shape for an analysis. From there, I would clean up the work space such that only […]
Continue reading..Bayesian Hierarchical ModelThis one may not be as step-by-step, because the GIS layer of BBS routes I have may not have been published yet. Nonetheless, here’s what I did. Cleaning up the spatial data and splitting routes Assigning segment order once the routes are split Summarizing spatial covariates by segment Determining which segments can be considered the same […]
Continue reading..Master Post: BBS 10-Stop DataThe BBS was designed to capture avian populations in natural areas, so if the land surrounding a portion of the route was developed, historically the route path was altered and given a new number. The problem is, that new numerical designation was not standardized (though often, it’s 100 + the original route number). In wanting […]
Continue reading..A Thought on Downscaled BBSAs my several recent posts have mentioned, I’m working with BBS spatial data (i.e. route paths and start points). I wanted to “downscale” by splitting routes into smaller segments and looking at data sub-route level. Specifically, I needed to split routes into fifths. I needed to know what order the segments were in from the […]
Continue reading..Down-scaling BBSWhen I downloaded the BBS route shape file (apologies for not linking, I’m not sure if it’s publicly available) I had some work to do. I wrote down the steps I used in cleaning up the layer, and then splitting into fifths. One line per route. Great! set aside. (Still a note of caution, some […]
Continue reading..Cleaning Up BBS RoutesI made a series of posts of how to get BBS data and import it into R, as well as an example of predictor data for a model, and how to get that into R. Here I’ll collect it all into a step-by-step by linking to those posts. How to get BBS data Importing BBS […]
Continue reading..“Master Post” of BBS TutorialBBS data is essentially aggregated point count data, that in its raw form has a row for each species observed at each route in each year. This means that if a species is not recorded in a given year, it just doesn’t have a record. I need to add those zeros back in, such that if […]
Continue reading..BBS Data for a Single SpeciesI have used remote sensing products in my BBS analyses in various capacities, but it all boils down essentially to the same spatial statistics. I wrote a post about how to download and process MODIS VCF images. At the end of that post, you have a folder of TIFF images of your variable of interest at […]
Continue reading..MODIS and BBSI found this gem while poking around Flood Bay this afternoon! It’s a fortification and a floater agate, which is mostly micro-crystalline quartz. Last weekend, my I taught my boyfriend about agate hunting, and we found a number of them. There’s a corner of this one (left) that’s broken to reveal very fine banding, but […]
Continue reading..My Best Agate Yet!