Happy Groundhog Day! This time of year, in this locale, it’s always 6 weeks more of winter (at the very least). However, apparently they try their own version at the local zoo with a porcupine.
Continue reading..Happy Groundhog…or Porcupine Day?The aurora supposedly made an appearance tonight, in keeping with some recent solar activity. It has been so cloudy, though, and tonight was no exception.
Continue reading..Recent “Up-tick” in Aurora BorealisThis is my annual list keeping track of lifers and cool sightings! I’ll continue to update it but without changing the date. It will ultimately go into my end of year best sightings of the year. 🙂 curve-billed thrasher (1/14/17)
Continue reading..Running List – My Favorite Birds of 2017Yes, I’m still a slave to the closed source, which is why this little tip came in handy today: I learned how to quickly compare .csv’s on the DOS command line. You navigate to the folder where your files are to compare, and then it’s simply… fc file1 file2 Saving it in case I need […]
Continue reading..Tips for Living in a Windows WorldOn this trip, I walked from Doctor’s Pass through Pelican Bay, almost to Vanderbilt Beach (though not consecutively). Then, we walked from Wiggins Pass to parking area #3 of Delnor-Wiggins State Park. We also walked “to the end of” the nature trail on Barefoot Beach Preserve, and along the beach from the sign where the […]
Continue reading..Beach Walks in Naples, FL – Wrap-UpToday, my mom and I kayaked Wiggins Pass, and walked from parking area 3-4 on the beach. We also checked out the observation tower and garden. Yesterday, we walked from parking area 4 around the pass to the edge of the mangroves.
Continue reading..Delnor-Wiggins Pass State ParkMy parents and I went for a walk all the way “down” the nature path from the last parking lot to Barefoot Beach. We cut out to the beach at a signed “crossroads” and walked the beach to Wiggins Pass.
Continue reading..Barefoot BeachToday, my mom and I walked the Pelican Bay stretch of beach from the Sandbar to Vanderbilt Beach. A friend got us guest passes, so we were able to take the tram down to the beach and go to the bars! It was really fun. The low density occupation of the beach made for great […]
Continue reading..Pelican BayThis year’s birding started with a bang: Paul and I saw Florida scrub-jays up close on New Year’s Day 2016! The next day (Jan 2) was spectacular: we drove east to reach Storm water Treatment Areas 5/6, picking up limpkins along the way. We had originally signed up for the CBC there, and we should have […]
Continue reading..Best Birds of 2016We’re heading to Naples, FL today. Mangrove cuckoo is cryptic this time of year, but the only land species that would be a lifer for me that by all accounts is in range. If I was able to take a boat decently offshore, pomarine jaeger winter off the coast. My “lowest priority” chase would be black rail.
Continue reading..Vacation Birds!