Current Challenges in the Stella -> R Conversion

At this point, the script writes out all of its pieces, so that’s a landmark in this debugging process. Now, I’m catching problems where the R script crashes, and they’re becoming more cryptic as I go, which is to be expected. I found a line in my original Stella model that has an essentially meaningless […]

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Looking for Nocturnal Species for the WI BBA

Today, I went back to where I found the great horned owl. I didn’t find any new nocturnal species, but I did find white-breasted nuthatches carrying nest material in the late morning! I also found what could be a large nest, but it’s high in a pine tree and thus difficult to fully see. I’m […]

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Finding Nocturnal Species for the WI BBA

I did finally get on the board with some nocturnal birding, in the form of displaying American woodcocks at dusk! Meanwhile, some of my friends relocated the American three-toed woodpecker(s) today at the spot down the road from where I was looking (i.e. the traditional spot). The original finder had them back there a few […]

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