I use the latest R (v. 3.3.3) and RStudio (v. 1.0.136), the latter of which has a default setting for the # of lines the console displays (under Tools -> Global Options -> Code -> Display -> Console). You can change it to 0 to get it to display all the lines, but it seems […]
Continue reading..A Limitation of R: Line Length LimitsAt this point, the script writes out all of its pieces, so that’s a landmark in this debugging process. Now, I’m catching problems where the R script crashes, and they’re becoming more cryptic as I go, which is to be expected. I found a line in my original Stella model that has an essentially meaningless […]
Continue reading..Current Challenges in the Stella -> R ConversionI finally figured out what the Rainy River Energy Corporation property was near the Nemadji River. They want to (or did) grade the bank of the river. From the signage up at the property, they did in fact do enough damage to need a permit (> 1 acre). I wonder if this is why there’s now […]
Continue reading..Exploring My BBA Block: Superior CEToday, I went back to where I found the great horned owl. I didn’t find any new nocturnal species, but I did find white-breasted nuthatches carrying nest material in the late morning! I also found what could be a large nest, but it’s high in a pine tree and thus difficult to fully see. I’m […]
Continue reading..Looking for Nocturnal Species for the WI BBAI’m doing this with (at least) one hand tied behind my back: I don’t know Stella, beyond a cursory understanding of what some things do and how to run models. So, I’m reliant on someone else’s translation script to make sure we get all the parts in the right place. It’s like they have provided […]
Continue reading..Fixing the Old Stella R ScriptTonight, I found a great horned owl that flew in from over a treeline from some northwesterly direction, perched atop a tree near where I was parked, and then flew off to hunt. It was descending as it flew off, so that’s why I guessed it had heard something and was going after prey. Since […]
Continue reading..Nocturnal Surveying for the WI BBAIt seems to me to make the most sense to update the current Stellar Python script to… Python 3 latest version of Stella (.stmx) Yet, I’m wondering if this is more trouble than it’s worth, given the annoying facets of navigating Python at all, much less converting someone else’s script. I have a bit of […]
Continue reading..Goals? I Think? Maybe Just Ideas…I did finally get on the board with some nocturnal birding, in the form of displaying American woodcocks at dusk! Meanwhile, some of my friends relocated the American three-toed woodpecker(s) today at the spot down the road from where I was looking (i.e. the traditional spot). The original finder had them back there a few […]
Continue reading..Finding Nocturnal Species for the WI BBAIf you need to find the index of an item in a list that matches e.g. a part of a string you’re searching for… indices = [i for i, s in enumerate(lines) if ‘gs4row’ in s] This will return a list of indices, telling you where in the list “lines” the string “gs4row” occurs.
Continue reading..Python Tips & TricksI copied this over from last week’s post, because this is the part I’m still working on. There are pros and cons to not having marathon debugging sessions. Sometimes you lose your place and need to take more time to get back to it. On the other hand, sometimes you get a fresh perspective by […]
Continue reading..Debugging OPS (Other People’s Scripts)