Perhaps the strength of NetCDF files is that you don’t have to download them, because multiple people can access it at once?
Continue reading..What is a NetCDF?To install netcdf on Ubuntu, I first had to install curl and then update the versioning in this script. Related, in the latest version update, I had to make a tweak to the script based on the filename and unzipped folder, which now differ. To install netcdf on Cygwin, I searched in the full list […]
Continue reading..Installing NetCDF on Ubuntu & CygwinToday, I explored a few unmarked trails off Vermilion Rd. I’m still not sure if they have names, but they were behind the cemetery.
Continue reading..Forest Hill Cemetery Association ParkI’ll be working on gathering this data for the Dakotas (bounding box: 49 N, 42 S, -96 E, -105 W), and then summarizing it to the level of sample blocks they created earlier in the project. I used NetcdfSubset but the request is too big for their on-line retrieval system. Instead, they suggested I use nccopy with […]
Continue reading..How Best to Download Climate Data?Today, I walked the Snively trail and came back along the spur of the Superior Hiking trail.
Continue reading..Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory – Snively TrailWe had a meeting here today of some of the co-PI’s from other universities, so it was nice to finally meet some of the people who have been involved with the grant. Besides our WETLANDSCAPE group, I had never met anyone outside our institute on the grant before today. It helped me get a feel […]
Continue reading..NSF Macro-systems Grant MeetingI walked the Amity trail from Skyline Pkwy down to the creek, and back. Along the way I saw… blue-bead lily northern bluebells pale vetchling On May 14, someone posted a pic of golden Corydalis in bloom along the trail. They said if you go in from the Vermilion Road access, it is on the right, not very […]
Continue reading..Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory – Amity Trail(Yes, the title is a shameless reference to my favorite current era singer! I haven’t decided yet whether or not this is going to become its own section of my blog.) I’m sure we’ve all had frustrating conversations at some point with hardened “climate deniers” (I’m not sure I like that term, though, as it […]
Continue reading..Thinking Out Loud: Climate ChangeToday, someone spotted a gray comma at Hartley nature park. Maybe I’ll have to go there and check it out! I may have seen this species before, but I can’t remember, nor can I remember how to ID it. It will be a good excuse to go back and study commas.
Continue reading..Gray Comma Spotted @ Hartley Park!I went to a Story Circles workshop and the author pontificated on how we’ve screwed up the climate change narrative, from “An Inconvenient Truth” onward. I can’t help but think he’s right, and it’s something I keep coming back to in my mind, so I figured I’d write a little about my experience with it. […]
Continue reading..How We’ve Botched the Climate Change Narrative