Proposed Tiers of Birding Involvement

My post critiquing the latest federal report trying to quantify birders suggested that perhaps we try to break birding into additional categories, to somehow scale between the active birding community and the federal report’s estimated number of birders. I’m open to name changes, commentary, new definitions, etc. but here’s where I’m at. These should be thought of […]

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True Life as a Continual “Student”

It’s a sign of a good attitude when you hear people say they’re perpetually a student of life. Academia is, unsurprisingly, one of the career tracks where you’re seemingly always learning something new for your job, and I think all of us are here because we love to learn. I’d venture a guess that science […]

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Critique of the Federal Birding Report

In 2011, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) published “Birding in the United States: A Demographic and Economic Analysis.” It was created as an addendum to the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. They claim it’s the most extensive survey of wildlife recreation in the U.S. to date. “Overall, about 9,300 detailed […]

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Thinking of Birding As “Serious Leisure”

My colleague and friend Dr. Susan I. Stewart pointed me in the right direction regarding terminology of the recreation, leisure and tourism disciplines, in order to turn up literature about birding. “Serious leisure” investigates the recruitment and retention of people into pursuits that are more serious than common notions of recreation, but still considered a hobby […]

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How This Problematic NetCDF File Was Fixed

I can’t be thankful enough for my godsend Twitter friend/NetCDF guru Michael Sumner for coming in clutch to rectify this problematic file! As I take my baby steps in learning how to deal with NetCDF files (~3 weeks after being thrown into the “deep end” and trying to tread water), I realized that one of […]

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Next NetCDF Issue I Discovered Today

Another problem I ran into: apparently Nov-Dec. 1999 monthly averages for HADCM3 B1 precipitation, where I flipped the axes in NCO, are blank. problem <- brick(“”) plot(problem$X1999.11.15) plot(problem$X1999.12.16) The above returns the correct axes, but blank plots. The problem is present before I flipped the axes, so I have to go back to the original […]

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