Now is the season to start picking shagbark hickory nuts from the forest floor! Unfortunately, though, I don’t live within the range of shagbark hickory anymore. It’s a good reason to head south and forage!
Continue reading..Shag Bark Hickory Seasonyellow rail ancient murrelet brambling gray-crowned rosy-finch thick-billed longspur black-throated sparrow
Continue reading..Rare Birds of St. Louis Co., MN – Oct.The list of rarity records for this month in my county of residence is astounding! yellow rail ancient murrelet vermilion flycatcher brambling gray-crowned rosy-finch McCown’s longspur black-throated sparrow
Continue reading..St. Louis Co., MN Rare Birds: OctoberJaegerfest kicks off today, but we have a collaborator in town so I can’t take off! There has already been a pomarine jaeger photographed this morning!
Continue reading..JaegerfestFor my weekly sci-comm game on Twitter #NameThatBirdSong I post a bird song at noon on Weds. and ask people to tweet what they think it sounds like (i.e. make up their own original #altmnemonic). The name of the game is a play on that many mnemonics for bird song are some form of onomatopoeia […]
Continue reading..Twitter Game RoundupMy family is visiting for the weekend, so we walked across the tombolo to the end of the island. Then, we drove up to the Susie Islands overlooks before heading back.
Continue reading..Artist’s Point(This post is mostly a “placeholder” and a test of my new email signup system. So, if you’ve signed up for email updates of my blog, shoot me an email to let me know you’ve received it!) On this holiday weekend, my beau and I hiked the Knife River Trail this weekend approximately to where […]
Continue reading..Knife River Hiking TrailWell that was unexpected…a filament eruption produced a massive unforeseen storm.
Continue reading..Full Moon + AuroraToday, I went for a walk along this stream!
Continue reading..Big Sucker CreekAs I’ve been researching Indigenous bird names from what is currently known as North America, I’ve also been reading a book from a very different part of the world: Mount Bosavi, Papua New Guinea (Feld, 1991). It’s a musicology text, written by an ethno-musicologist that embedded with the Kaluli. He speaks to how well they […]
Continue reading..Indigenous Bird Naming