I drove around after work before dark to kick off the weekend on the paper birch-lined roads. Today, within the vicinity of the township, I saw a bobcat. Ordinarily, I’d have more of a story to tell, but the current unofficial policy is to keep fur-bearer location private. So, I’ll have to broadly say it was […]
Continue reading..MeadowlandsI had the good fortune of having a weasel species run across the road in front of my car, in the city of Duluth! It made it safely to an undeveloped lot, where hopefully it found plenty of food and shelter.
Continue reading..Ermine!https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-2MLFX3PCV/
Continue reading..Tufted Duck VisitorsSadly…this one was a wild goose chase! It was still fun birding with my mom, though, in my short trip home. 🙂
Continue reading..Whittier LakeFeatured photo credit: my bog birding buddy, Alyssa DeRubeis! This morning, we went to Sax-Zim Bog and staked out the Admiral Rd. feeder before 9 AM. I dumped 100% organic peanut butter all over the wooden parts of the setup so as to attract the American marten…and it worked! Minutes later, the marten cautiously approached […]
Continue reading..Sax-Zim BogThis year, I picked up a new atlas block for this final year of the Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas! I’ll be the primary atlaser, but looking for all the help I can get covering this block! 🙂 Really excited to get out there and start looking for owls soon. I’m especially thrilled because this is […]
Continue reading..Oulu CWI’ve been working on my vision board and re-reading the article from the magazine I got it from. It asks you to go beyond your goal (their example: living in the country) to why you have it. How does e.g. living in the country make you feel? I asked myself that with regard to my […]
Continue reading..How Does Birding Make You Feel?‘Tis the season for all kinds of cool sky displays! Among them, the CZA, which is best observed when the sun is at 22 degrees above the horizon: https://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/AltAz.php
Continue reading..Circum-zenith ArcFor Paul’s spring break this year, we set off toward Wyoming on a road trip that would take most of the week. We made our way across South Dakota to visit Custer State Park. There, we had an unexpected lifer: a small flock of male chestnut-collared longspurs (3/26)! Our ultimate destination was a lek site […]
Continue reading..Best Birds of 2018Today, for my birthday (yesterday) we went for a half day dogsled ride! Actually, the time on the sled was probably somewhere around 2 hours, but we arrived at the lodge 1 PM and we left the place just after 4:30 PM. An upside to the early arrival of winter, we were able to schedule a […]
Continue reading..Black Spruce Trail