Continue reading..Fitting DistrosI currently work on several projects… a contracted project for The Nature Conservancy, relating LiDAR to ground-based measures database & website management for the Coastal Wetland Monitoring (CWM) project Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council various database/web management needs for the bird & wildlife lab
Continue reading..ProjectsI found this 40-year-old guide to north shore geology, and it’s pretty awesome! I get the sense though that roads and pull-offs have changed (go figure) as well as decades of erosion. So, some of the features listed aren’t as evident anymore. These are my current notes on this still very cool journey! The written […]
Continue reading..Self-Guided Geology Field TripToday was the 1st time Paul and I have ever led a tour, and we were thrilled with how the day turned out! It was rewarding to be able to choose a route, and not to brag or anything, but we ended up having the best single day I’ve ever had guiding the festival! Much […]
Continue reading..Sax-Zim Bog Birding Festival: Bog 2From Birds of North America (BNA) account of northern saw-whet owls: “Owl response rates lower on nights with wind speeds above Beaufort 2 than nights with wind speeds of Beaufort 0-2 (Stedman 2001)…Clark and Anderson (Clark and Anderson 1997) found that Saw-whet Owls were more vocal when cloud cover was between 50 and 75%…Owl populations […]
Continue reading..Searching for Northern Saw-Whet OwlsThis is my daydreaming list that’s as big as possible: some of these breeding confirmations won’t happen, but some could very well be confirmed with some legwork. If there was prime habitat for these species in my block, I’d love to confirm breeding for… common loon Virginia rail sora yellow rail Wilson’s snipe American woodcock […]
Continue reading..Dream Nocturnally-Active Atlas BirdsSince I currently live in the resident range of northern goshawks, it’s hard to know if the ones we see in the winter live here year-round. That probably bears on when the sky dances start. In any case, Feb.- early Apr. seems to be the season, with perhaps an emphasis on Mar.-early Apr.
Continue reading..When is Goshawk Courtship Season?I went on a wild finch chase today, and the early morning fog produced those odd-looking light pillars from the artificial lighting (e.g. street lights, buildings). Unfortunately, the finch never showed! Yet, I redeemed the day by crossing something off my bucket list: ice fishing! I went to the Otter on the Water, which is […]
Continue reading..Ice Fishing at “Otter on the Water”This morning, I woke up to a bright pillar below the sun!
Continue reading..Sun PillarThis afternoon, the sun passed through a thin veil of clouds, creating a 22 degree halo! On the right side was a sun dog. Later in the afternoon, there was a tangent arc at the top of the halo.
Continue reading..Atmospheric Optics