This evening, I walked a trail in Douglas Co. and heard a barred owl in a different spot than my 1st detection. I heard the owl in the woods beyond the clear cut. It could be the same owl as before! If so, I made a hypothetical home range. I wasn’t sure how far into the […]
Continue reading..Hunters Walking TrailI saw this article go viral among the circle of my birding friends, and I had mixed reactions. Ironically, I had just written a blog post the day prior about the role that listing plays in my birding practice, and how/why I’m driven by my life list. While I “get” the structure of the piece, […]
Continue reading..A Response to Olivia Gentile’s ArticleI realized when I became slightly uncomfortable asking myself “why lifers,” I had to blog it out! I’ll start with what to me is the personal elephant in the room: using fossil fuel to see a new species, alongside the potential disruption to the bird. If I’m honest, I feel the contradiction of releasing more […]
Continue reading..Goal-Oriented BirdingWhile I was in Evergreen, I was reawakened to the wonder in the everyday. I saw it afresh, because it wasn’t just any day for me. I spent most of the first day of my vacation walking around a park at the center of town, where plenty of locals were taking their morning walks. I […]
Continue reading..Home ReflectionsWe stayed in Denver last night to enjoy some city amenities and the urban ecology scene today! We walked around the greenbelt a bit in hopes of seeing some western birds, but didn’t see many. In the adjacent neighborhood though, we saw a beautiful dark morph western red-tailed hawk! Then, sadly I had to drop Paul […]
Continue reading..Bear Creek GreenbeltWe meandered our way back to the city from Salida, with many birding detours! Just outside of town, we stopped at a housing community to see a flock of pinyon jays. Then, we went back a different route than the way we came through the mountains. I hiked to the first “peak” (I think to the saddle?) […]
Continue reading..Grizzly Peak TrailWhen we left for the lek at 5:15 AM it was 28°F. We anticipated this by studying the weather before we left, so I brought all my cold weather gear. We were planning to use the Jeep as a blind, which would require sitting still for an untold number of hours until the Gunnison sage-grouse […]
Continue reading..GunnisonWe went to the open space park adjacent to the ranch and walked the shadow pines loop. We ended the night at the inn to get set for our main goal of the trip! When we parked close to our room in the evening, I saw a pink-sided dark-eyed junco in the trees next to the […]
Continue reading..Flying J RanchPrepping for CO this time of year, and for all of our destinations, meant packing for a range of conditions (20’s to 80 °F to be exact)! I also bought some new gear that worked out great today. When I got started at 7 AM, it was 30°F so I donned my new LL Bean […]
Continue reading..EvergreenSimply sharing a link that expands on the famous Gotelli (2008) 2×2 analysis box to cases of multivariate response, mixed predictors, and other model types to consider: roadmap of statistical approaches Literature Cited Gotelli, N.J. 2008. A Primer of Ecology. 4th edition. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, MA.
Continue reading..Roadmap of Statistical Approaches