Click to access a9ba03ba65cc9e9e0a0c1b73a8359e6772ac.pdf Click to access postgis_zonal.pdf Click to access zonalstat_tr.pdf
Continue reading..Efficient Zonal StatisticsToday, I surveyed the plots on this WMA, and also at Split Rock Creek state park. I surprised myself by making it through Smiley Barn WMA before the morning was out! This was my record-breaking day for number of sites in a morning, which calmed my nerves about not finishing within the survey period. Now, […]
Continue reading..Eden WMAMy last round of point counts are in this Scientific & Natural Area!
Continue reading..Mound PrairieToday, we visited a recreation area and tackled a number of sites!
Continue reading..Vinegar RidgeI started on the next locale today, in this lovely scientific & natural area! I think the KT tape helped, but my waterlogged feet meant that it peeled right off with my socks at the end of the morning. I’ll have to up my game by investing in the “extreme” kind with the swimmer on […]
Continue reading..Rushford Sand BarrensI didn’t survey this morning, but sadly awoke to deer tick bite #3! This one I’m the most worried about: did I track it in? I’m especially paranoid about it because I remember having a scab there; was it a deer tick I overlooked? I have the least certainty about how long this one was […]
Continue reading..Day OffI finished all of the points in Whitewater Wildlife Management Area (WMA) today! I wore my compression socks, but maybe I should have paid more attention to my feet yesterday: by the end of the day, I couldn’t stand on them. I had “pins and needles” in the bottom of my feet, which were especially […]
Continue reading..Avian Point Counts on BluffsToday was a unique challenge to get to a number of points: I had to find my way down a ravine, pick my way down a dry stream bed, and climb up a bluff to get to the last points in the series. I should have been wearing my compression socks, because it did my […]
Continue reading..Point Counts on BluffsToday definitely had the most raspberry patches of any of the counts. I got scratched a number of times, even through my classic Carhartt original fit pants. Also, my waterproof hiking shoes are anything but; I ended up with water pooled around my feet just from the dew! A reward of bushwhacking, though, was finding […]
Continue reading..Point Counts on Bluff PrairiesToday’s point counts were good, especially because I had some help! I did get a deer tick bite, though. I think I caught it as the tick bit me (found it by feeling a bite/itch).
Continue reading..Point Counts