From the COSEWIC report (direct quotes): Yellow Rails have such a narrow tolerance of water levels for breeding that any given location may be suitable in one year but not the next, especially in prairie regions, where the species mainly occurs in seasonal wetlands (Prescott et al. 2003). An occupied marsh in southern Manitoba was partly destroyed […]
Continue reading..Yellow Rail Notes#!/bin/bash for VARIABLE in ./test_export/*.tif; do gdal_translate -of GTiff -a_nodata 0 “$VARIABLE” “PPR_no/$(basename “$VARIABLE” .tif).tif” -st 2 -8 “PPR_no/$(basename “$VARIABLE” .tif).tif” -8 “PPR_no/$(basename “$VARIABLE” .tif).tif” -f “ESRI Shapefile” “shapefile/$(basename “$VARIABLE” .tif).shp” rm “PPR_no/$(basename “$VARIABLE” .tif).tif” ogr2ogr -f “ESRI Shapefile” -progress “shapefiles/$(basename “$VARIABLE” .tif).shp” “shapefile/$(basename “$VARIABLE” .tif).shp” -t_srs “EPSG:5070” done listofmodisdays=`ls shapefiles/*.shp | cut […]
Continue reading..GDAL Polygonize in Action!I’m so happy my parents got to cross northern lights off their bucket list!
Continue reading..AuroraI already want to revisit this neat lakeside park to snorkel!
Continue reading..Esrey ParkToday, I kicked off a long weekend vacation with my parents! We decided to take a little road trip somewhere none of us had been. Apparently, pipe vesicles can be found on the bluffs just north of Bessemer. “The traps from Bessemer to North Bessemer appear to be older than any beds exposed north…Elongate, so-called […]
Continue reading..KeweenawThis is my job submission script for the raster extraction. #!/bin/bash -l #PBS -l walltime=48:00:00,nodes=1:ppn=24,mem=61gb #PBS -m abe #PBS -M module load gdal/2.0.1 module load proj module load R module load ompi module load udunits module load geos export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 mpirun -v -hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE -np 1 R –slave CMD BATCH ./extract.R /dev/stdout This is […]
Continue reading..Parallel Raster Extraction Writing a MS-Word document using R (with as little overhead as possible) Click to access knitr.pdf Tables from R into Word
Continue reading..R MarkdownSee part 1 for the relevant shape file and description of what’s going on! In the last post, we identified the map codes of interest to subset the shape file. Here’s some code for working with it in R. library(rgdal) bedrock <- readOGR(dsn=”~/Arrowhead_South_Bedrock_Geology”,”Arrowhead_South_Bedrock_Geology”) basalt = subset(bedrock,map_label==”Mnd” | map_label==”Mna”) writeOGR(basalt,dsn=”.”,layer=”basalt”,driver=”ESRI Shapefile”) So now we have a […]
Continue reading..Weekend GIS Fun: Part 2The stunning geology of the north shore is hard to ignore! So, my beach walking has led me to a rock collecting hobby, in order to learn more about the brilliant colors & textures along the shoreline. I’m interested in finding pipe vesicles, which form at the base of a lava flow. It’s kind of […]
Continue reading..Weekend GIS Fun: Part -init -1 -o all.tif n -1 -a_nodata -1 new_FPWF.tif new_MH.tif new_FD.tif
Continue reading..GDAL merge example