GDAL Polygonize in Action!

#!/bin/bash for VARIABLE in ./test_export/*.tif; do gdal_translate -of GTiff -a_nodata 0 “$VARIABLE” “PPR_no/$(basename “$VARIABLE” .tif).tif” -st 2 -8 “PPR_no/$(basename “$VARIABLE” .tif).tif” -8 “PPR_no/$(basename “$VARIABLE” .tif).tif” -f “ESRI Shapefile” “shapefile/$(basename “$VARIABLE” .tif).shp” rm “PPR_no/$(basename “$VARIABLE” .tif).tif” ogr2ogr -f “ESRI Shapefile” -progress “shapefiles/$(basename “$VARIABLE” .tif).shp” “shapefile/$(basename “$VARIABLE” .tif).shp” -t_srs “EPSG:5070” done listofmodisdays=`ls shapefiles/*.shp | cut […]

Continue reading..GDAL Polygonize in Action!

Parallel Raster Extraction

This is my job submission script for the raster extraction. #!/bin/bash -l #PBS -l walltime=48:00:00,nodes=1:ppn=24,mem=61gb #PBS -m abe #PBS -M module load gdal/2.0.1 module load proj module load R module load ompi module load udunits module load geos export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 mpirun -v -hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE -np 1 R –slave CMD BATCH ./extract.R /dev/stdout This is […]

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Weekend GIS Fun: Part 2

See part 1 for the relevant shape file and description of what’s going on! In the last post, we identified the map codes of interest to subset the shape file. Here’s some code for working with it in R. library(rgdal) bedrock <- readOGR(dsn=”~/Arrowhead_South_Bedrock_Geology”,”Arrowhead_South_Bedrock_Geology”) basalt = subset(bedrock,map_label==”Mnd” | map_label==”Mna”) writeOGR(basalt,dsn=”.”,layer=”basalt”,driver=”ESRI Shapefile”) So now we have a […]

Continue reading..Weekend GIS Fun: Part 2