Dec. Rare Birds of St. Louis Co., MN

Dare to dream, birders of St. Louis Co.! These are some of my favorite rarity accounts for the county from this month (many of which are admittedly quite dated). The date of my birthday marked the kickoff of the only documented “irruption” of willow ptarmigans into the state, now 86 years ago. Interesting to see […]

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Latest Error

I’m getting this error after a 137 /panfs/roc/msisoft/R/3.6.0/lib64/R/bin/BATCH: line 60: 30473 Killed ${R_HOME}/bin/R -f ${in} ${opts} ${R_BATCH_OPTIONS} > ${out} 2>&1 It ends on this line… fr <- sapply(1:nrow(forest),function(y) fasterize(forest[y,], cr[[1]])) Since smaller memory processes run without error, I can only assume that storing a vector of larger cropped rasters is the problem. So, onto a […]

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Best Practices for Big Polygon Data Sets

Some common, useful formats for storing this type of information… CSV GeoJSON/TopoJSON GML KML MySQL/SQLite/SpatiaLite/PostGIS NetCDF SVG VRT ESRI shape file ESRI feature class It can also be advantageous to abstract data in memory to work with it. I had never heard of GMT or VPF until now but I’m curious about them! A colleague […]

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