Lifers We Saw Together

As Valentine’s day season is well underway (yes, I’m one of those people) I decided to compile a (running) list of lifers that Paul and I saw together! This is the notation… heard only non-native Lifers for Us boreal owl gyrfalcon Smith’s longspur garganey Say’s phoebe rufous-crowned sparrow common poorwill Bewick’s wren greater roadrunner black-capped […]

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Jan. Rare Birds – St. Louis Co., MN

On the 1st of each month, I post my favorite historic sightings that occurred within that month in my current county of residence. Enjoy, and good birding! willow ptarmigan (continuing from the December post) gray-crowned rosy-finch – In 2001, there was a bird hanging out around the port terminal. There was another one in the booming […]

Continue reading..Jan. Rare Birds – St. Louis Co., MN