Self-Guided Geology Field Trip

I found this 40-year-old guide to north shore geology, and it’s pretty awesome! I get the sense though that roads and pull-offs have changed (go figure) as well as decades of erosion. So, some of the features listed aren’t as evident anymore. These are my current notes on this still very cool journey!

  1. The written directions on this are a bit confusing. Of course, I have no idea where the actual parking lot was at the time the guide was composed. You’re well over the clay hillside by the time you go 300 yards (as the crow flies). In fact, that’s about as far as you can traverse over the old flows, which I marked. Also, a note on accessibility, it isn’t exactly “walking”; some light climbing around is involved. Onto the next part of the stop description: what’s the first accessible outcrop? In any case, I can’t really match up the description well with this stop. I wonder what this place looked like 40 years ago.
  2. The milepost here is now simply “20.”
  3. I was especially jazzed about this stop, but it’s subject to heavy erosion annually. I couldn’t find the “few small pipe amygdules…in the lowest few centimeters of the flow.” (However, I totally concede that I could have overlooked them!)
  4. FYI as of this date, that pull-off is closed, but I think it’s going to reopen with even more capacity. Instead, get a state park sticker and just pull into the state park!

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